主题 : 【灌水】DC未发售的游戏
级别: 超级版主

UID: 12451
精华: 6
发帖: 19124
威望: 173 星
金钱: 10964 浮游币
贡献值: 12578 点
好评度: 54937 点
人气: 4322 点
在线时间: 20191(时)
注册时间: 2004-10-02
最后登录: 2025-03-09
楼主  发表于: 2008-10-13 19:45


管理提醒: 本帖被 YZB 执行取消锁定操作(2008-10-15)


Im sure many of you who own or did own a Dreamcast in its Heyday will remember a few of the games that Ron has posted that never saw the light of day, heres the full translated text inc a video of Max Payne that never arrived on Dreamcast:

With a resounding Release Date: Canceled, Remedy Entertainment, the company's game developer announced the cancellation of one of the most anticipated titles for the Sega Dreamcast by thousands of players.

Max Payne is an action game in the third person 3D environment and developed for the PC by the Finnish company Remedy Entertainment, produced by 3D Realms and published by Gathering of Developers in July 2001. The game also was taken to other platforms such as Xbox, Playstation 2, Game Boy Advance and Macintosh

This game started out in 1998, came to be presented at the E3 of that year, but when I was at an advanced stage of development (bad language say that it was above 60%), along with the announcement of Sega in which surprised both friends and strangers with the discontinuation of its latest console, many of the studies decided not to continue with the marketing of "practically finished" games, as was the case of Propeller Arena, flinstones, Halflife and many others.

With the passage of time and given that many people have done with Katana DevKits (development unit of Sega Dreamcast) in many hard drives, have been found in games development phase and certain securities in an advanced state of the same, some have gone to light and by other ethical issues still filling that space so desired by many.

It is said that the underground networks of the Internet, it is feasible to get a dump of it, but at the moment I have not had the good fortune to see him ever, there are those who say that they have, but my opinion is far from accepting such an assertion.

The same goes with Castlevania, in the Dreamcast sites are always hoping that someday appear, having left all the titles that were canceled, another rooster sing?

List of canceled games for Dreamcast:
(Neither are all that are, or are all those xD)

Age of Empires / II
Aiken's Artifact see Sanity - Aiken's Artifact
Alien Front Online
Alien Resurrection (Argonaut / Fox Interactive)
Anachronox (Ion Storm)
Arcatera: The Dark Brotherhood
Armada II: Exodus (was going to be able to play online)
Austin Powers: Mojo Rally (Take 2)

Baldur's Gate (BioWare / SEGA)
Battle Zone II (Pandemic Studios)
Black & White (Lionhead Studios / Krisalis)
Bikkauiman 2000
bleem! for Dreamcast: bleempak A (bleem!, LLC)
bleem! for Dreamcast: bleempak B (bleem!, LLC)
bleem! for Dreamcast: bleempak C (bleem!, LLC)
bleem! for Dreamcast: bleempak D (bleem!, LLC)
Boarder Zone (Housemarque / Infogrames)
Brave Fire Fighters
Bounty Hunter Sara (Japanese only)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Castlevania see 3D Castlevania: Resurrection
Castlevania: Resurrection (Konami USA)
Chaka: The Forever Man (AndNow)
Chaka Chaka see 2: The Forever Man
Chess 2000
Colin McRae Rally 2.0 (Codemasters)
Combat Flight Simulator see Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator
Commandos 2: Men of Courage (Pyro Studios / Eidos)
Croc 2 (Argonaut / Fox Interactive)
Cut Away

Dark Angel (the original game is quite different to how it became PS2, was rather 2d style
Dee Dee Planet
Dark Angel: Vampire Apocalypse (Metro3D)
Dark Earth (Kalisto)
Dee Dee Planet (Dori Dock / SEGA)
Deer Avenger (Hypnotix / Berkeley + Simon & Schuster)
Densha Go! 3: commuting (Taito)
Dragon Ball
Drake (Surreal Software / GT Interactive Psygnosis +)
DroneZ (Zetha Gamez)
Dynamic Golf
Dynamite Theft (Warashi)

Emergency Call Ambulance
ESPN Baseball Tonight
ESPN Golf Links (Microsoft + Konami)
European PGA
Extreme-G X (Acclaim Studios London)

F1 Grand Prix 4 see Geoff Crammond's Grand Prix 3 - 2000 Season
Far Nation (SEGA)
Farnation see Far Nation
Felony Pursuit see The World's Scariest Police Chase: Deadly Pursuit
Final Fight Revenge (Capcom)
Fortress: The Evolution (Pipe Dream / Majesco)
Frontier (Turbine Entertainment / SEGA)

Geist Force (SEGA of America + Netter Digital Entertainment / SEGA)
Geoff Crammond's Grand Prix 3 - 2000 Season (Microprose / Hasbro Infogrames +)
Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko (Crystal Dynamics / Eidos)
Giants: Citizen Kabuto (Planet Moon Studios / Interplay)
Glover 2 (Interactive Studios / Hasbro)
Gold and Glory: The Road to El Dorado (Ubi Soft)
GorkaMorka (Real Sports / Ripcord)
Grand Prix 4 see Geoff Crammond's Grand Prix 3 - 2000 Season
Grand Theft Auto 3
Gun Valkyrie (Smilebit / SEGA)
Gutherman (No Cliché / SEGA)

Harley Davidson
Heavy Metall F.A.K.K. 2 (to be released on PC only)
Hundred Swords (only released in japan, the English version was never published)
HydroSport Racing
Half-Life for Dreamcast (Gearbox + Captivation Digital Laboratories / Sierra)
Half-Life Online (Gearbox + Captivation Digital Laboratories / Sierra)
Hamunaptra see The Mummy
Harukaze Sentai V Force 2 (Bing Kids)
Hype: The Time Quest (Ubi Soft)

Independence War 2 The Edge of Chaos
Innocent Tears

Jambo Safari
Jet Set Radio 2 see Jet Set Radio Future
Jet Set Radio Future (Smilebit / SEGA)
Jump Runner (Glass Ghost)

Last Bronx 2 (SEGA)
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 (Crystal Dynamics / Eidos)
Legend of the Blade Masters (Ronin / Ripcord)
Links LS see ESPN Golf Links

Major League Soccer (Konami)
Max Payne (Remedy / Rockstar / Take 2)
Messiah (Shiny / Interplay)
Metal Max Overdrive (ASCII)
Metal Max Wild Eyes (ASCII)
Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator (Microsoft + Konami)
Microsoft Links LS see ESPN Golf Links
Midnight GT (Rage)
Military Operations on Urban Terrain 2025 see Shrapnel: Urban Warfare 2025
Missile Command 3D (Hasbro)
M.O.U.T. 2025 see Military Operations on Urban Terrain 2025
Mojo Rally see Austin Powers: Mojo Rally
Monster Breeder (NEC)
Monster Truck (Konami)
The Mummy (Rebellion + Konami / Fox Interactive)

Nights 2 (requires submission?)
New Worlds see Star Trek: New Worlds

Outcast (Appeal / Infogrames

Planet of The Apes
Propeller Arena (was going to be able to play online as well)

Quest of the Blade Masters (Ripcord)

Renegade Racers
Rings (Konami)
The Road to El Dorado see Gold and Glory: The Road to El Dorado
Roswell Conspiracy Theories (crawfish / Red Storm)

Sanity - Aiken's Artifact
Star Trek New Worlds
Streets of Rage 4
System Shock 2
Sanity - Aiken's Artifact (Monolith / Fox Interactive)
Shadowman: 2econd Coming (Iguana / Acclaim)
Shienryu 2 (Warashi)
Shik - Evenstar
Shrapnel: Urban Warfare 2025 (Zombie / Ripcord)
Sierra Sports: Game Room (Sierra)
Sim City 3000 (Maxis)
Sister Princess
Skies (Paradigm / SegaSoft)
Sonic & Knuckles RPG (SEGA)
Soul Reaver 2 see Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2
South Park: Deeply Impact (Iguana / Acclaim)
Spec Ops 2 see Spec Ops Online
Spec Ops Online (Zombie / Ripcord)
Speed Devils 2 (Ubi Soft)
Star Trek: New Worlds (Binary Asylum RuneCraft + / Interplay)
Star Wars: Super Pumps Racing (Lucas Learning / LucasArts)
Supreme Snowboarding see Boarder Zone
SWAT 3: Close Quarters Battle (Sierra)
System Shock 2 (Looking Glass Studios / Vatical Entertainment)

Take the Bullet (Red Lemon / SEGA)
Ten6 see 10six
Test Drive Cycles
Test Drive Off-Road 3
Time Crisis 2 (Namco)
Total Annihilation 2 (Cavedog / GT Interactive)
Trespasse (DreamWorks)
Tropico (PopTop / G.O.D.)
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil (Iguana US / Acclaim)
The Mummy
Toe Jam and Earl

UEFA Striker see 2001 UEFA Striker Millennium
UEFA Striker Millennium (Rage)
UFC: Tapout see Ultimate Fighting Championship: Tapout
Ultimate Fighting Championship: Tapout (Crave)
Unreal (GT Interactive)

V.I.P. (Pamela 3D =)
V Force 2 see Harukaze Sentai V Force 2
V.I.P. (Kalisto / Ubi Soft)
Virtua Striker 3 (Amusement Vision / SEGA)
VR Baseball 2000
VR Football
VR Hockey

Warzone 2100 (Pumpkin Studios / Eidos)
Wave Runner (SEGA)
Whiplash 2
Wild Water World Championships see Renegade Racers
Wipeout (Psygnosis Liverpool Studio)
The World's Scariest Police Chase: Deadly Pursuit (Teeny Weeny Games / Fox Interactive)
Worms Pinball (Team 17 / Infogrames)
Wild Metal
World's Scarest Police Chase (left alone in PSX)

Xena: Warrior Princess
[ 此帖被YZB在2008-11-04 01:22重新编辑 ]