主题 : [新闻] RiceVideo v6.1.1beta 10
级别: 模拟之星
UID: 4356
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发帖: 1221
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金钱: 1292 浮游币
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在线时间: 396(时)
注册时间: 2004-05-09
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楼主  发表于: 2005-03-28 01:54

[新闻] RiceVideo v6.1.1beta 10


Edit for beta 10

I don't know why beta 9 has the bug. C++ template didn't do the job as it should do. So I have to add extra check on the Sorted List search result to make sure it is valid.
And there was no problem with the DEBUG build.
Now beta 10 should be work as beta 9 should.

附件: RiceVideo6[1].1.1beta10.rar (670 K) 下载次数:74