Jan-19-10 - Change to referral requirements. - (stoi)
We got a bit sick of members trading/selling and getting rubbish members in, that would either trade/sell their accounts, or cheat.
So we have made referrals harder to get.
NO you will not get one for a donation, we want you to help the tracker out, not donate to get them.
I have just issued a batch, members got 1 each, we gave out 475.
So that means only 475 members from 35,000 have done enough to warrent one, yes the new requirements are stringent, but its the only thing we could think of to stop members abusing them.
The new requirements are, and look at your achievement tables for this.
Torrents with a Global Ratio of 1 >= 50
Torrents with an Actual Ratio of 1 >= 25
Torrents with an Actual Ratio of 1.5 >= 10
Torrents with an Actual Ratio of 2 >= 5
Your own uploaded torrents, this encompasses requests filled and own torrents in your table >= 2
Average Seeding Time >= 10 days
Member 6 months
50 gig downloaded
If you upload a dodgy torrent, we will ban you from uploading any more, and bar your referals for as long as possible, we still want good quality uploads from you, not 2 crap ones just so you can get a referral. (btw if we set it to 0 uploads, over 7000 members would have got a referral, so there are plenty of members that have the other criteria, they just need to upload a couple of torrents)
In the future we may add Forum posts to this, but at the moment we are just going to roll with this and see how it works.

[ 此帖被江亮在2010-01-20 11:13重新编辑 ]