这是下载到 README 里面的内容:
MYR\W*B'b Kek%io WiiSX beta 1 brought to you by Wii64Team (emu_kidid, sepp256, tehpola)
K7/&~;ZwT P2U4,?_e Usage:
?}EWfsA .bin/.cue only supported.
mxe\+j# Place all your .bin/.cue & SCPH1001.BIN in sd:/PSXISOS/
kwhZ/x SDCard must be in before starting the .dol (duh)
"chf\-!$ J%fJF//U Known Issues:
FWTm,) CDDA audio streaming is not implemented
OC\cN%qlw XA audio fails at times
L:Faq1MG Final Fantasy VII crashes Dynarec
P$3!4D[ FPS limit not working at times
c;=St1eoz 0
t/mLw& Credits:
D%=&euB pcsx team
http://www.pcsx.net/ ;6?,Yhk$h pcsx-df
http://pcsx-df.sourceforge.net/ >4HB~
9dKU pcsx 1.5-test3 mac version by Gil Pederson
http://pcsx.gpost.dk/ cBHUa}: P.E.Op.S. PSX Gpu
http://sourceforge.net/projects/peops/ j
J54<.D )0Vj\> mM_
gOd 好像是仅支持 BIN CUE 类型的 镜像文件
H)y_[:[ S'>KGdF 需要 PS 的 Bios 文件
%O{FZgi%wA @(."[O: 文件名是: SCPH1001.BIN
TT){15T;" 放置位置:SD卡的根目录下的 /PSXISOS/ 文件夹中