^ +++++ CSDC Dev Team Proudly Presents +++++ ^
GAME : Counter-Strike DC Final v.1.0
REGION : Region Free
RELEASED : January 2009
PLATFORM : Sega Dreamcast
<========== Release Notes ==========>
This project has finally reached its final v.1.0 release.
You will find hours of Counter-Strike gameplay, now on Sega Dreamast.
This final release is now very stable, and is fully playable with
a standard controller.
And for the record, this project was intended from the begining to be
a great single-player experience. So to answer with certainty,
online/multiplayer will never be possible on Dreamcast.
Standard half-life dc codes work from the menu, for example:
"Otis Loves Dreamcast" --> God mode
"Dreamcast Gives Firepower" --> Infinate ammo
Also, huge credit goes to original authors of the content that has
been borrowed with or without permission for this release.
<========== CSDC Dev Team - Dreammatrix OVERRiDE CptPauer - 2008 ==========>
[ 此帖被johnmillion在2009-03-09 22:20重新编辑 ]