"Rockman E-can" drink sale!
Anyone who has played the Rockman series has thought about it. "If there was an E-can...". Well, that E-can has become a drink coming on sale! Mass production finally a success!? To mark this year's release of "Rockman 9 Yabou no Fukkatsu!!" there will be a notification included with the drink. It will be compounded with royal jelly.
In the game, at work, at school, "Before you are beaten, drink!!"
Sales will start at most Animate stores and Kotobukiya stores.
Rockman E-can Drink (Sports Drink)
Sales Day: 2008, end of August
Expected Price: 130 Japanese Yen, plus tax (137 Yen)
Maker: Aplis corp.
Sales Place: most Animate stores, Kotobukiya[ 此贴被forte.exe在2008-08-18 12:21重新编辑 ]