Cara Dillon—Lark in the Clear Air(192kbps)
喜欢Cara Dillon清澈纯粹的女声,像水晶一样晶莹透亮。她的歌有一种山谷风般的独傲和冷酷,歌曲象是从深处旋来又回荡而去。无论是乡村音乐或者是具有传统习俗风格的,她都能演绎的清透美丽而极具风格。
Cara Dillon出生于1975年,来自一个爱尔兰传统音乐世家。凭借自己震撼人心的表演和成熟迷人的声音赢得了整个国家观众的心。因为她的表演能穿越国界,文化和语言,14岁的时候,Cara Dillon就赢得了全爱尔兰传统歌唱比赛冠军。在开始她自己喜欢的事业之前,她和她的伙伴Sam Lakeman和一家唱片公司签约想做流行歌手,可之后他们发现自己并不喜欢做流行音乐。于是他们出了一张凄美的民歌专集Cara Dillon/Rough Trade Records,出乎意料地赢得了广泛好评。这股随之而来的Cara Dillon效应让她和她的伙伴完全转型。而之后她所获得的无数奖项更加肯定了他们的转型。
Lark in the clear air
Dear thoughts are my mind
and my soul it soars enchanted,
As I hear the sweet lark sing
in the clear air of the day,
For a tender beaming
smile to my hope haAnd tomorrow
he shall hear all my fond heart
longs to say.
I will tell him all my love ,
all my soul's pure adoration,
And I know he will hear my voice
and he will not answer me nay,
It is this that gives my soul
all it's joyous elation,
As I hear the sweet lark sing
in the clear air of the day.
It is this that gives my soul
all it's joyous elation,
As I hear the sweet lark sing
in the clear air of the day.