主题 : 【DC讨论】KOF2000没有显示血槽,能量槽,等。。。
级别: 模拟专家
UID: 58999
精华: 1
发帖: 121
威望: 1 星
金钱: 2528 浮游币
贡献值: 0 点
好评度: 14 点
人气: 0 点
在线时间: 16(时)
注册时间: 2005-08-24
最后登录: 2012-10-19
楼主  发表于: 2005-10-26 08:24




级别: 超级版主

UID: 12451
精华: 6
发帖: 19124
威望: 173 星
金钱: 10965 浮游币
贡献值: 12579 点
好评度: 54937 点
人气: 4322 点
在线时间: 20199(时)
注册时间: 2004-10-02
最后登录: 2025-03-10
沙发  发表于: 2005-10-26 10:33




  Thanks to Gouk, we all know how to fix KOF 2000. I gotta give him props for the original idea. However, I discovered a way to fix KOF 2K without downsampling any audio files. This may not matter to some of you, but I prefer to have the highest quality of music possible (yeah, I'm a bit picky).

  The key is to sort the files so that MUSIC.AFS (the 500-meg music file) is burned near the inside of the disc. I have tested this fix briefly and it seems to work. (I've got the missing options menu, energy bars and transitions back.)


  You need to copy all of the data files from the KOF2000 CD to your HD and follow the instructions in the Echelon selfboot kit, with a couple of modifications. You can also delete the "ZZZZZZZZZ" directory, as per Gouk's instructions.

  袮需要將kof2000光盤上所有文件全部拷貝到硬盤(這里假設拷貝到了自啓動工作目録下的子目録data下),按照Echelon(發布Dreamcast游戲自啓動制作方法的破解小組)selfboot kit工具包(即自啓動制作工具包)中的提示進行,不過要進行兩處改動。

  1) You need to create a sort file (let's call it "sort_file.txt" in this example) in your self-boot work directory that contains a single line:
[ni3]需要在自啓動工作目録(即工具包所在目録)建立一个排序文件(比如這里我起名爲 sort_file.txt )。文件内容(僅此一行):

data/MUSIC.AFS 1000

  "data" is the path of the subdir that contains the KOF2K data files, *relative* to the dir that you are running mkisofs from. It's important to get the relative dirspec right, otherwise the sort won't work properly. "1000" can be replaced by any number greater than 0.


  2) When you create the ISO file, add the -sort parameter to the command line:
在袮按照自啓動教程建立游戲的iso文件時,在以下的命令行中加入 -sort 参数(注意:一定要嚴格按照原文的大小寫!!!切記!!!):

mkisofs -C x,y -V KOF2000 -l -o data.iso -sort sort_file.txt data

  In this command line, x and y are the numbers you obtained using the "cdrecord -msinfo" command, "data.iso" is the path to your iso file, and "data" is the path to the KOF2K data files.
  在該命令行中,x和y是使用'cdrecord -msinfo'命令獲得的光盤参数,"data" 是kof2000数据文件所在目録名(與前面提到的一致)。

  If you have any problems with this fix, let me know. Thanx again to Gouk for the original idea!

  此外,再加上我自己査到的 ip.bin 文件的 rip 方法。
因爲在kof2000光盤里是找不到 ip.bin 文件的。但是在制作自啓動游戲時,又要用到 ip.bin文件。所以,需要我們自己从光盤上rip出 ip.bin 文件。方法如下:


  1)在CDRwin的 “Table of Contents” 面板中査找第二个session的起始地址(一般是11700或11702),如:

track LBA
02 11700

  2)進入"Extract Disc/Track/Sectors"
  -選擇 "Select Sectors"
  -選擇 Datatype : normally Data Mode2Form1 2048
  -如果不出問題的話, ip.bin 文件的大小應該是 32kb 。
  -在 Sector Selection 處填入光盤扇区范圍:11700到11715(共16个扇区)
  -保存文件名(Image Filename): IP.BIN

级别: 超级版主

UID: 12451
精华: 6
发帖: 19124
威望: 173 星
金钱: 10965 浮游币
贡献值: 12579 点
好评度: 54937 点
人气: 4322 点
在线时间: 20199(时)
注册时间: 2004-10-02
最后登录: 2025-03-10
板凳  发表于: 2005-10-26 15:08

不过FTP上的KOF 3IN1好象里面的2K是有血槽的...