http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=115316#post115316This weekend, we are very happy for good progress of PCX4ALL: Playstation1 emulator for Dreamcast, GP2X, Zaurus, Zodiac, GNU/Linux and Windows.
I just have been able to adapt PCSX CPU recompiler for SH4 by Mark Grilenkov and Dreamcast gets 14fps using our GPU software render for a lot of games. I hope get fullspeed (frameskip0) when we will write a new GPU using PVR hardware aceleration.
DCiberia comments and shows a set of screenshots and a video running PCX4ALL under Dreamcast (register is need it).

[ 此贴被YZB在2006-05-08 18:48重新编辑 ]