Formula One 2004 
2004年唯一官方授权的Formula 1赛车游戏
真实体验Formula 1
共享Formula 1的竞技精神
官方网站: Game ©2004 Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. An official product of the FIA Formula One World Championship.
,,FORMULA ONE, FORMULA 1, F1, FIA FORMULA ONE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP, GRAND PRIX and translations thereof are trademarks of Formula One Licensing BV, a Formula One Group Company. Licensed by Formula One Administration Limited, a Formula One Group Company. All rights reserved.
软件出版社 上海声像出版社/上海声像电子出版社
软件发行商 上海声像出版社/上海声像电子出版社
软件开发商 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
型号 SCCS40019
软件类型 赛车类 / 运动类
上市日期 2005-5-27
建议零售价 ¥168.00
©2004 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.