- Added more speeds: 75 and 133.
-增加更多的CPU频率:75 和 133.
- Added flash2 and flash3 usb to recovery
-增加F2/F3 USB连接(在恢复模式中)
- Added a setting in recovery to change the usb device to which XMB will connect
- Added "vshmenu", which is a menu that will appear when HOME is pressed in the XMB. It will interfere with existing
XMB plugins that use HOME, so it can be disabled in recovery.
- Added umd video iso support. The umd video isos are playes using vshmenu. Video isos go in
/ISO/VIDEO folder. They require an UMD inserted because NO-UMD does not work.
-增加对UMD VIDEO ISO的支持.UMD VIDEO ISOs通过使用vshmenu来播放.Video isos放在 /ISO/VIDEO 文件夹下.它需要一张UMD,因为NO -UMD无法使用此功能
Changes in popsloader:
- Support for 3.30 firmware. Instructions are same as in previous release, except 3.30
firmware did not have libpspvmc.prx, so just ignore that file.
-支持3.30固件.安装方法和之前的一样,除了3.30固件没有 libpspvmc.prx ,所以忽略那个文件
- Warning: There is an incompatibility between 3.30 savedata and later ones. If a savedata exists from 3.40+, the emulator will freeze.
Some notes about the usage of vshmenu, and umd video isos:
一些关于vshmenu, 和 umd video isos 的使用注意
- vshmenu cannot be loaded when the browser is active. If you exit the browser, the firmware will
still keep it in memory until you enter other area of xmb, until you do so, you will not be able
to access vshmenu again either.
- vshmenu在游览器使用的时候无法载入.如果你退出游览器,固件将会保持它在内存中直到你进入其它XMB下的其它区域,直到你这么做之前,你将不能使用vshmenu
- video isos and the game isos show in xmb use the same core. Due to this, when you enter in game
menu and there is some iso, if a video iso was currently mounted, it will automatically be unmounted.
- video isos 和 the game isos 在XMB下使用相同的核心.因此当你进入游戏菜单并且有某个ISO,它将自动关闭,如果一个VIDEO ISO 在运行
- cso format is not supported for video isos.
-CSO格式不支持video isos
- UMD audio isos are theoretically supported, but not tested. They go to /ISO/VIDEO.
-UMD audio isos理论上支持(-_-U),但没有测试.它们也放在/ISO/VIDEO.